How does vue stop bubbling events?

    <el-checkbox style="width: 100%;height: 45px" v-for="(element,index) in formThead" :key="index" :label="element.value" @change="test1()">
                                <el-slider v-model="element.width" :max="200" style="margin-bottom: -30px;margin-left: 100px;width: 450px" show-input @change.stop="test2()" ></el-slider>

how can I put an el-slider in my el-checkbox to stop bubbles? the stop searched on the Internet does not work

How should I write


the problem is here
in label
this should not be easy to change. Make your own wheel


finally accidentally solved

A layer of label is placed on the outer layer of the el-slider so that it does not start the event of the label where the check-box is located

    <el-checkbox-group v-model="formTheadData"  >

                    <draggable v-model="formThead" >

                        <el-checkbox style="width: 100%;height: 45px" v-for="(element,index) in formThead" :key="index"
                                     :label="element.value" @change="test1">


                                <el-slider v-model="element.width" :max="200" style="margin-bottom: -30px;margin-left: 32%;width: 400px"  show-input @change="test1"></el-slider>





Thank you @ zhanggy for the fact that the problem is on label, not event bubbling

show-input set to false. This change event is the native event generated by the input inside. The change event on el-slider is a custom event, and there is no event propagation.
