the information found on the Internet generally thinks that adding token to url may lead to leakage, but I still can"t understand this.
the information found on the Internet generally thinks that adding token to url may lead to leakage, but I still can"t understand this.
A little bit of personal understanding:
if your website is all your own internal addresses, it should be fine with token. But if in some places such as forums, there may be all kinds of links on a website, then there is a problem.
A forum website W: "" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> If the address of a link in the forum is article.html?id= & token= , there is a dangerous link article.html?id=222&token=111,. The page is edited by the user. It has a seductive address "," rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">, has a way to get Referer in danger.html, and there is a token, and a picture*">