Some problems of plupload upload plug-in, solutions and solutions

question 1:
listening method in plupload

I am listening to the return parameters of file upload
received the same file from the background, and prompted to ask whether to overwrite
when I clicked to confirm the overwrite, I called the uploader.start (); method of plupload and found that this method did not call the upload interface
to ask. How should I upload the file again when I click to confirm the overwrite?

FileUploaded: function(up, file, info) {  // 

    var resp = JSON.parse(info.response);

    if(resp.code == "0000"){ // 
        layer.alert(resp.desc, {icon: 1,closeBtn:false}, function(){
            plupload.each(file,function(file) {
            document.getElementById("filelist").innerHTML = "";
    }else if(resp.code == "4999"){ // 4999 code
        var repeat ={ // 
            type: 1,
            title: "",
            icon: 7,
            closeBtn: false,
            shade: 0,
            content: "<div style="padding:15px;">""" + resp.desc + "</div>",
            btn: ["", ""],
            yes: function(index, layero) { // 
                var data;
                data = {force: "true"};
                puploader.setOption("multipart_params", data); // 
                puploader.start(); //  ****
            no: function(index, layero) {
        return false;
        layer.alert(resp.desc, {icon: 7});


encountered the same problem. Follow

check to see if files has a queue for uploading files in the uploader object!
if the file is not uploaded, then start () will not be triggered!
