Gulp add timestamp

if you want to add a version to the project, the json that is replaced with gulp-rev generation is always generated only two corresponding css

function getDistFolder(distPath) {
  return `${distFolder}/${distPath}`;

// -----------
// LESS 
// -----------

// LESS 
function compileLess(input, base, output, watch, min, sourcemaps) {
  return gulp.src(input, {base: base})
    .pipe(watch ? $.watch(input, {base: base}) : noop())
    .pipe(watch || !!argv.using ? $.using({prefix: "Using less"}) : noop())
    .pipe(sourcemaps ? $.sourcemaps.init() : noop())
    .pipe(min ? $.cleanCss() : noop())
    .pipe(sourcemaps ? $.sourcemaps.write() : noop())

function compRev(output, distPath) {  
  return gulp.src([output + "/*.json", distPath + "/**/**/*.html"])
      replaceReved: true

gulp.task("admin:rev", function () {
  return compRev(getDistFolder("admin/css"), getDistFolder("admin"));
gulp.task("school:rev", function () {
  return compRev(getDistFolder("school/css"), getDistFolder("school"));
gulp.task("oss:rev", function () {
  return compRev(getDistFolder("oss/css"), getDistFolder("oss"));

//  bootstrap
gulp.task("less:bootstrap:admin", () => {
  return compileLess(resetPath(src.less.bootstrap, "admin"), "", getDistFolder("admin/css"), false, !!argv.min, !!argv.sourcemaps);
gulp.task("less:bootstrap:school", () => {
  return compileLess(resetPath(src.less.bootstrap, "school"), "", getDistFolder("school/css"), false, !!argv.min, !!argv.sourcemaps);
gulp.task("less:bootstrap:oss", () => {
  return compileLess(resetPath(src.less.bootstrap, "oss"), "", getDistFolder("oss/css"), false, !!argv.min, !!argv.sourcemaps);

//  bootstrap
gulp.task("watch:bootstrap:admin", () => {, "admin"), ["less:bootstrap:admin"]);
gulp.task("watch:bootstrap:school", () => {, "school"), ["less:bootstrap:school"]);
gulp.task("watch:bootstrap:oss", () => {, "oss"), ["less:bootstrap:oss"]);

//  app.css
gulp.task("less:common:admin", () => {
  return compileLess(resetPath(src.less.common, "admin"), "", getDistFolder("admin/css"), false, !!argv.min, !!argv.sourcemaps);
gulp.task("less:common:school", () => {
  return compileLess(resetPath(src.less.common, "school"), "", getDistFolder("school/css"), false, !!argv.min, !!argv.sourcemaps);
gulp.task("less:common:oss", () => {
  return compileLess(resetPath(src.less.common, "oss"), "", getDistFolder("oss/css"), false, !!argv.min, !!argv.sourcemaps);

Project path


problem has been solved, but there is something wrong with the way you write it.
does not wait for all files to be generated before adding timestamps to static files. For more information, please see reference
