Can antd and antd-mobile be mixed?

to make an h5 page, there are several minor problems with using antd-mobile,:

1, some controls do not, such as Select components in antd; form components in antd, need to use manual introduction of rc-form;Icon types are not rich, need to be customized. Wait

2. Some controls have been encapsulated based on antd, such as components uploaded by Aliyun


because this project is tight, I mix antd and antd-mobile directly this time, and I don"t see any problem yet. I"d like to ask if this will be buried.


antd is the framework of PC
Mobile will inevitably have some compatibility problems
and the overall size is very large, mobile is still more concerned about code volume and rendering performance
, so it is not suitable for mobile

I suggest you try to write the required components yourself
