Event.tartget.files [0] parameter in picture upload

let file = event.target.files [0];
looks at the property values of this event.tartget.files [0] in the console, as shown in figure

then I want to know what type this attribute value is. The first habitual thinking is the object type, and then we"ll see how it looks like a function type. Here"s the point. I use

console.log (Object.prototype.toString.call (file) ="[object Object]"); / / false
console.log (Object.prototype.toString.call (file) ="[object Function]"); / / false

console.log (typeof file); / / object
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reason WEB API has nothing to do with js objects, or WEB API does not belong to js .

is an object MDN Document

print the console.log directly (Object.prototype.toString.call (file)) will know

console.log (Object.prototype.toString.call (file) ='[object File]') = > true
