About the use of git ln? The name of the project will be found after the connection, but I don't want the name of the project!

I have found that the usage is

ln -s /Users/apple/Desktop/demo.html /Users/apple/demo.html

it"s just a problem.
I have set up a project
in bitbucket. The name may be xxx-web
, so I will change to
/ user/xxx/xxx-web/

when I come under / user/xxx/ git clone.

my target source is / var/www/release/

so I do this

ln -s /user/xxx/xxx-web/ /var/www/release/

this connection is successful
, but it will become like this


I want the name of the project not to show the
direct link / var/www/release/, but not another file
. How can this be realized?

just change the name again
