The newVal and oldVal returned by the watch array in vue are the same?

data() {
    return {
      colorlist: [
          color: "-sharp333333",
          ftcolor: "-sharpffffff",
          name: "1"
          color: "-sharp55CD31",
          ftcolor: "-sharpffffff",
          name: "2"
          color: "-sharp31ADCD",
          ftcolor: "-sharpffffff",
          name: "3"
  watch: {
    colorlist: {
      handler: function(val, oldVal) {
        console.log(val, oldVal)
      deep: true

I changed the color of the third one to red. Console output result:

shouldn"t the color of the third oldVal be-sharp31ADCD?


means something like this: when you print an array or an object, the value is taken by reference. When you change the array, the printed value naturally changes


look at document
