[python] generate lists based on the information in the dictionary, each time getting longer.


Key and value are saved in

key_counts. Generate a list and generate value key based on the number of value.


finds that each time you loop, there is an extra null value at the end of the generated new list.


key_counts = [{"key": "qj", "value": 3}, {"key": "wuhan", "value": 2}, {"key": "xy", "value": 2}, {"key": "zz", "value": 10}]
total = 17 -sharp 

v1 = ["" for x in range(total)]

count = 0
for key_count in key_counts:
    start = count
    end = start + key_count["value"] - 1
    count = end + 1
    print(start, end, key_count["key"])
    xlist = [key_count["key"] for x in range(key_count["value"])]
    v1[start:end] = xlist

output results

0 2 qj
["qj"," qj", "qj"]
[" qj","", "",""]
34 wuhan
["wuhan"," wuhan"]
["qj"," wuhan", "wuhan","",
56 xy
["xy"," xy"]
["qj"," wuhan", "wuhan"," xy", "xy","]
7 16 zz
["zz"," zz", "zz"," zz"]
["qj"," wuhan", "wuhan"," xy", "xy"," zz",", ""]

At the end of the

list, with each loop, an additional element is added (which may be misunderstood. )


list slicing error.
should be changed to:

v1[start:(end+1)] = xlist

end = start + key_count ['value']-1
xlist = [key_count [' key'] for x in range (key_count ['value']]
the main problem lies in these two lines of code
the length of each slice is 1
less than the length of xlist, and the slice assignment of Python does not require the same length, for example:
L = [1]
L [: 1] = [5J 5L5]

because each slice assignment in the loop increases the length of v1 by 1, so you are confused
