The array with _ _ ob__: Observer in Vue cannot be fetched from it.

when matching the values of the array in the project of vue, it is found that the array with _ _ ob__: Observer cannot get the value inside.

print the value of this.upData [0] , which is undefined , and
himself has only got general information about the Observer, of vue:
observer is the most important module in the Vue core (in my opinion), which can achieve responsive updates of views and data, and the underlying layer depends on the support of observer.
but it"s still in the clouds. I don"t know what"s going on. I hope God will give me some advice



console prints references. The one you printed has no value, and then it has a value at some point. Then you go to the console to expand the small arrow, and you will find that there is a value.

you try this

console.log([...this.upData]) , 