How does indefinite-level data render in the form of a tree?

found a simple solution in the antd TreeNode component. generates a tree directly from the data . The only thing to consider is the data structure, not the problem of recursion.

you need to render a menu in the form of a tree graph based on an indefinite level of data.
the data structure is as follows:


component is how Antd TreeMenu, is used:

<TreeNode title={} key={}>
   <TreeNode title={} key={}>

try to solve the problem through recursion . Although I understand the concept, I just don"t have a train of thought. I hope to get an answer!


convert the array into a tree structure first. It is recommended that

const treeNode = (props) =>
<div className="tree-node">
<div className="tree-node-name">{}</div>
{ ?
<treeNode data={}/>
: ''}

Tree also supports the treeData attribute, as if it were not listed in the document. But the data is translated like this:

    key: 'key',
    title: 'your title',
    children: []

thanks to the help of @Randal, the final solution is:
adjust the data structure, like this

const treeData = [{
  title: 'Node1',
  value: '0-0',
  key: '0-0',
  children: [{
    title: 'Child Node1',
    value: '0-0-1',
    key: '0-0-1',
  }, {
    title: 'Child Node2',
    value: '0-0-2',
    key: '0-0-2',
}, {
  title: 'Node2',
  value: '0-1',
  key: '0-1',

use the antd component treeSelect to reference data directly

class Demo extends React.Component {
  state = {
    value: undefined,

  onChange = (value) => {
    this.setState({ value });

  render() {
    return (
        style={{ width: 300 }}
        dropdownStyle={{ maxHeight: 400, overflow: 'auto' }}
        placeholder="Please select"
This is the effect of Demo
