The problem of passing values in vue

< body >

    <div id="app">


<my-component v-model="total"> </my-component> <button @click="handleGetTotal"></button> </div> </body> <script src=""></script> <script> Vue.component("my-component",{ prors:["value"], template:"<input :value="value" @input="handleIncrease"/>", methods:{ handleIncrease:function(event){ this.$emit("input",; }, } }); var app=new Vue({ el:"-sharpapp", data:{ total:0 }, methods:{ handleGetTotal:function(){; } } }) </script>

Intermediate template:" < input: value= "value" @ input= "handleIncrease" / >", what does this sentence mean? how did this value come from? the browser reported an error saying that value is not defined


I guess you want to write a props

< input: value= "value" @ input= "handleIncrease" / >

: value means to bind the value in props to our usual


< input VMI model = "value" @ input= "handleIncrease" / > same

as for @ input= "handleIncrease" , when the value of input changes, the this.$emit ('input') in handleIncrease changes the value of props so that there is a two-way binding effect

v-model is just a syntax sugar. By default, value is passed into the component as an attribute, and then the value value is thrown through the event of input to achieve two-way binding.

have you defined value in data () {return {}}
