Nuxt vue warn: server content does not match client virtual DOM

< H2 > related configuration < / H2 >


  Meituan Dianping ordering Nuxt.js  

to no avail, ask for help.

14:51:40, March 28th, 2018. Add

@ MightyVincent

this warning should be reasonable, right? After all: you enable server-side rendering, and then the server-rendered page is loaded and modified by your vue-infinite-loading.js drop-down to the client, and then naturally warns you that the content rendered by your server is different from what your client sees.

just now, I tested the problem mentioned by MightyVincent, and it was so. So, how does nuxt do it just for the home page, SSR, and other pages without SSR? Continuous follow-up. Ladies and gentlemen, ask for help and provide ideas

To solve the

problem, ssr will compare the dom before and after initialization to ensure that the initialization is consistent with ok

. Can I ask you a question about nuxt using vue-lazyload? It is that I used vue-lazyload, in the nuxt project but kept packaging the virtual DOM tree that did not match the content rendered by the server. May I ask how to solve this problem

Importing element, components in

script mode can easily result in two life cycle calls.
plugs import
plugins: [

  src: '~/plugins/element.js',
  ssr: true

], it should not be the same level of inline and block-level elements that cause the lifecycle to execute twice.
