Error loading bootstrap-table under IE

1. If the bootstrap-table cannot be loaded under IE11, the following error is reported. What is the reason for this

this is the technology, loading bootstrap-table
$("- sharppowerTable"). BootstrapTable ({

        url: "/Project/Project/GetPowerList", // url
        cache: false, //  false  AJAX  true
        striped: true,  //false
        sidePagination: "server", //
        queryParams: { PROJECTID: $("-sharpID").val() },
        sortName: "ADDTIME", // 
        sortOrder: "desc", // })

confirm whether the dependency order is correct

the problem has been solved, because I am using botstrap-table version 1.12, I can change the jquery version from 1.10 to 1.11

correct answer: do not use botstrap-table.js, and use botstrap-table.min.js. I've been making a low-level mistake for a long time.
