The problem of overlap between floating elements and absolute positioning elements

when learning BFC, I see a rule: the area of BFC does not overlap with float box. But considering that absolute positioning elements also create BFC, but overlap with floating elements, I"d like to know why. When the absolute positioning element overlaps with the floating element, the absolute positioning element is always above the floating element. what is the reason here?


the absolute positioning element is out of the normal document flow and is not in the same positioning flow as the floating element, so the absolute positioning element creates a cascading context and the z-index priority is higher, so it is overwritten.

I also wonder about this problem. The level of absolute positioning is better. Elements at a higher level can see that elements at the next level will not cover floating block boxes.
I put a normal document flow block box (with text in it to generate an anonymous line box) on top of the positioning element, but at this time the positioning element will not cover the ordinary flow block box. It's so blurred
