The vue Circulation Times made two mistakes.

: key=index isn"t this index the number type? Why did you report the first mistake?
what is the second error report? Why don"t you report an error by commenting out this subcomponent?

<div class="blog" v-for="(items, index) in all" :key=index>
            <Content :userContent="items.content"></Content>
            <Info :info=""></Info>       //
data () {
    return {
      all: [
        {content: {a: 111, b: "ccc"}, info: {a: 111, b: 222, c: 333}},
        {content: {a: 111, b: "ccc"}, info: {a: 111, b: 222, c: 333}}


: key= "index" please put in double quotes

errors are actually found in the Info component. Look here for key= ". Take a look at the assignment of this key

suggest that the subject use key= "item+index" to distinguish between key values
