[solved] how to select gitbash under windows

Business background

learning vue-cli3.0

  1. initialize the project with vue create command
  2. the terminal will pop up three options for me to choose
  3. I want to choose to set Manually manually.
  4. but there is no way to choose on the terminal

my environment

  • windows7
  • gitbash 2.85 x 86 million 64
  • vue3.0

related codes

$ vue create h6
? Please pick a preset: (Use arrow keys)
> first (vue-router, eslint)
  default (babel, eslint)
  Manually select features

the effect picture is as follows


my attempt

  1. by moving the up and down keys to the Manually line, there is no response
  2. by entering > arrow symbol directly before Manually , and then pressing enter, invalid
  3. but in the cmd command line, you can choose < del > ~ < / del >.

my question

windows git bash installed below, how to select the corresponding option when initializing the vue project?



enter 1, 2, 3 directly and enter enter
