How does vue-property-decorator @ prop define Array

"use strict"

import Vue from "vue"
import { Prop, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator"

interface ITabs {
    name: string
    value: string

export default class extends Vue {
        type: Array,
        default() {
            return []
    public tabs!: ITabs[] // TS2416
TS2416: Property "tabs" in type" default" is not assignable to the
same property in base type "object & Record < never,any > & Vue". Type
"ITabs []" is not assignable totype"{name: "; value:";} [] |
undefined". Type "ITabs []" is not assignable to type"{name: "";
value: ";} []". Type "ITabs" is not assignable to type" {name: ";
value:";}". Types of property "name" are incompatible. Type
"string" is not assignable to type" ".

export default class extends Vue {
        type: Array,
        default() {
            return []
    public tabs 

your interface is the interface of the object. The array reads interface FuckArr {

                  [index: number]: any