Open the solution with vs2015 and report an error
mean? Has anyone met
Open the solution with vs2015 and report an error
mean? Has anyone met
requirements: 1, the gulp command generates the dist folder, performs the watch operation 2, and then executes nodemon, to restart node server once the dist generated by gulp changes "scripts": { "server": "gulp &&...
the file path is as follows. There may be multiple folders under style (not fixed 3): app style common cssreset.css detail a.css b.css c.css d.css order a.css b.css c.cs...
the front end uses gulp to compress the code, and the compressed dist mian.min.js and dist main.min.css, will be introduced on the home page, but each compression will only be carried out when the css and js files under gulp monitoring are changed. is th...
I compiled my scss file with gulp, which can be uploaded to github, but, github pages shows 404? the query is shown in the picture: because it is a rookie, please give me an explanation? githubnode_modules ...
gulp.task( testImagemin , function () { return gulp.src( . images *.* ) .pipe(imagemin({ optimizationLevel: 5, :Number :3 :0-7 progressive: true, :Boolean :false jpg interlaced: true, :Boolean :...
:http: localhost:8010 css:Refused to apply style from http: localhost:8010 public css index.css because its MIME type ( text html ) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled. ...
gulp.task( deal , function() { return gulp.src([ src ** * , `!src template **` ]) .pipe(gulp.dest( dist )); }); the above statement ignores all files in the "template " folder, but not the template folder. That is, af...
to use es2017 s asynchronous functions in your project. so when using gulp to process js files, I used babel-preset-env and babel-plugin-transform-runtime . the require syntax of nodejs appears after parsing, so the browser reported an...
how gulp js code is encrypted if this kind of code is encrypted ...
compress html gulp.task ( html , function () {) var options = { removeComments: true, HTML collapseWhitespace: true, HTML removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, <script>type="text java...
gulp [11720]: Assertion `args [1]-> IsString () failed. ...
after packaging, there is no compression js and css. Do I have to propose compression? ...
1. In the process of using gulp-useref, the file merging was successful, but why the html file I generated was cut return gulp.src( . bulid result-1.html ) .pipe($.debug()) .pipe($.useref({},lazypipe().pipe($.sourcemap...
14:13:13] Starting agency:build ... events.js:183 throw er; Unhandled error event ^ Error at new JS_Parse_Error (eval at <anonymous> (D: 0410 wenjian2 gameSystem node_modules _uglify-js@2.6.4@uglify-js tools node.j...
how does the code of the AngularJs+RequireJs+angularAMD framework configure packaging now that the code is not packaged, how to configure it ...
gulp packaging configuration, how to configure a folder, all the levels below it remain unchanged. If there are things that can be compressed, such as js,css, compress them, and copy those that cannot be compressed directly ....
npm start run result $ npm start > voteapp@1.0.0 start E: project PumpkinCage Pumpkin server > set NODE_ENV=development&& gulp default [15:53:55] Using gulpfile E: project PumpkinCage Pumpkin server gulpfile.js [15:53:55] Start...
many methods have been found on the Internet, but it is still not possible to install plug-ins. Babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-runtime .babelrc is as follows { "presets": ["es2015","stage-3"], "plugins&...
is doing front-end page development. The project is packaged through gulp, and the server is used to open the web page with browser-sync native. can generally be accessed through localhost plus port. but now opening localhost, will jump to a page whe...