There are two < input > input boxes in the vue custom component. How can I bind them using v-model?

I have defined two < input > input boxes in Vue component. I want to bind the value of these two input boxes to the parent component with v-model, but I have only found a way to bind one. What should I do if I bind two each?

the following code changes the value of searchText no matter which input box is entered, which means that the values of two < input > are bound to a searchText. How to bind them separately with v-model?

<div id="app">
    <my-component v-model="searchText"></my-component>

{{ searchText }}

</div> <script src=""></script> <script> Vue.component("my-component", { props:["value"], template:` <div> <label for="input-one"> name: <input id="input-one" v-bind:value="value" v-on:input="$emit("input", $""></input> </label> <label for="input-two"> age: <input id="input-two" v-bind:value="value" v-on:input="$emit("input", $""></input> </label> </div>` }) var app = new Vue({ el:"-sharpapp", data:{ searchText:"start edit" } })

use two model, but don't use vMel model. This is just a syntax sugar provided by the government

<div id='app'>
    <my-component model1='searchText1' model2='searchText2' @input1="val=>searchText1=val" @input2="val=>searchText2=val"></my-component>

{{ searchText }}

</div> <script src=""></script> <script> Vue.component("my-component", { props:['model1', 'model2'], template:` <div> <label for='input-one'> name: <input id='input-one' v-bind:value='model1' v-on:input="$emit('input1', $""></input> </label> <label for='input-two'> age: <input id='input-two' v-bind:value='model2' v-on:input="$emit('input2', $""></input> </label> </div>` }) var app = new Vue({ el:'-sharpapp', data:{ searchText:'start edit' } })

there are several ways to solve this problem, either receiving two values of the parent component through props, passing two events to the parent component through $emit, or forcibly using v-model 's way of aggregating multiple values using liximomo. The code of aggregation method is as follows:

<div id="app">
    <my-component v-model="search"></my-component>

name: {{ }}

age : {{ search.age }}

</div> <script src=""></script> <script> Vue.component('my-component',{ props: ['value'], template:` <div> <label for='input-one'> name: <input id='input-one' v-bind:value='' v-on:input="$emit('input', {name: $, age: value.age})""></input> </label> <label for='input-two'> age: <input id='input-two' v-bind:value='value.age' v-on:input="$emit('input', {name:, age: $})""></input> </label> </div>` }) var app = new Vue({ el: '-sharpapp', data: { search: { name:'edit name', age:18 } } }) </script>

you now bind input-one and input-two to value

one of you is val1 and the other is val2 props: ['val1','val2'].

this situation means that you should aggregate your multiple values and treat them as a model.

<div id='app'>
    <! search  { name: '', age: '' } >
    <my-component v-model='search'></my-component>

{{ searchText }}

      <label for='input-one'>
          <input id='input-one'
              v-on:input="$emit('input', { ... value, name: $})""></input>
      <label for='input-two'>
          <input id='input-two'
              v-on:input="$emit('input', { ... value, age: $})""></input>

how to dynamically loop bind multiple input model
