Let"s talk in the picture above first
the core code is as follows (please don"t mind if it"s not well written)
<svg :width="panelObj.panelWidth" :height="panelObj.panelHeight" >
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<g v-for="(node,i) in nodes" :key="i">
<!-- -->
<rect :x="node.x+30" :y="node.y+5" width="20" height="20" :fill="`url(-sharptitleIcon)`"/>
<text :x="node.x+50" :y="node.y+flow.lineHeight">{{node.title}}</text>
<!-- -->
<g v-for="(list,i) in node.textList" :key="i">
<rect :x="node.x+5" :y="node.y+(i+1)*flow.lineHeight+6" width="20" :height="flow.lineHeight-2" :fill="`url(-sharp${list.dataType})`" />
<text :x="node.x+28" :y="node.y+(i+2)*flow.lineHeight">{{list.label }}</text>
tried to use CSS to deal with text overflow, but it didn"t work;
tried the method of intercepting characters, but the size of English characters varied greatly, and the parameters were difficult to unify.
tried for a long time, but failed to solve this problem. I hope the old driver passing by will bring it down.