How to uniformly set center and radius values for multiple pie charts of echart

is in pie chart of echart . The number of pie charts is uncertain and is cyclically ergodic, and it may be one or more. How to set radius and center can ensure that the panel displays a different number of pie charts can be displayed adaptively.
is used in both normal and full-screen panels.
similar to justify-content:space-around, i) => {
          return {
            name: name,
            type: "pie",
            selectedMode: "single",
            radius: [],//TODO
            center: [],//TODO
            label: {
              normal: {
                position: "inner"
            labelLine: {
              normal: {
                show: false
            data: seriesData[i]

is it possible to set multiple div, for each div to correspond to a pie chart

I'm not sure what you mean, is it the sorting problem of dynamically generated chart? If it is traversed, it is set to be left, center or right on the outside, depending on the I value.
