Vue single page application, the memory problem caused by the change of the page caused by the jump of the route?

in a single page application, the async method is executed in the page vue component. There are many promise, in this method. If you exit the page now, because these promise will manipulate the data of vuex, how to interrupt this async method to prevent it from affecting the vuex?


let isLeave = false
function wrapWithCancel(fn) {
    return data => {
      if (!isLeave) {
        return fn(data);

beforeRouteLeave (to, from, next) {
    isLeave  = true
methods: {
    async m1() {
          const data = await wrapWithCancel(fetchData)();
          const userData = await wrapWithCancel(updateUserData)(data);
          const userAddress = await wrapWithCancel(updateUserAddress)(userData);
          const marketingData = await wrapWithCancel(updateMarketingData)(userAddress);

if the async method in the component you are referring to is an asynchronous request, you can execute cancel request

your page is closed and the code is not executed. How can it affect

there is something wrong with the title statement. You should be referring to the "exit page" caused by the routing change, rather than "closing the browser page", right?

there can be multiple asynchronous operations in an asynchronous function, one of which is difficult to cancel, because it's not easy to know where you are now. There are several solutions I can think of:

  1. beforeDestroy add a tag, check this tag before each step is executed asynchronously, and stop if it has been modified
  2. manages multiple asynchronous operations using queues, and sets a tag to the queue
  3. Asynchronous functions are all bound to the current instance, and check the this.$el.parentNode of the current instance.