Why is vagrant packing?

recently using vagrant as the development environment, I found that I don"t quite understand box files.
when adding Vagrant images, I use the following command:
vagrant box add ubuntu E:ubuntu.box
vagrant init ubuntu
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
through the above command, I can now enter the virtual system, and then I installed the LNMP environment


now I don"t understand the packaging command vagrant package. The purpose of packaging is to get a box file (called package.box by default), so that package.box can be used by other developers to unify the development environment. So what is the difference between this package.box and the above ubuntu.box? Why don"t I give the ubuntu.box that has been configured with lnmp to others and pack it?


what is the difference between package.box and ubuntu.box above?

ubuntu.box does not include your later installed lnmp environment
package.box contains your later installed lnmp environment

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I don't know if you have installed a computer system.
ubuntu.box is the equivalent of a system image file. vagrant box add ubuntu E:ubuntu.box can be deleted after that. Lnmp environments installed after
are not stored in ubuntu.box.
vagrant package the packaged package.box is equivalent to making a backup image of your current system, and this box will have the lnmp environment you installed later

one is your build base package
the other is your build package-> you must be sharing this box

both are packages, of course, others can continue to build based on your build package. Here is a concept, but one is your environment package

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