Synchronize failed after the binding value of ng-zorro tree-select control [(ngModel)] was changed.

problem description


the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried


related codes

[nzPlaceHolder]="please choose"
(ngModelChange)="onSelect($event)" name="treeSelect">

if (changes.selectNodes) {
  this.selectData = this.selectNodes;
  this.updateSelectStatus(this.nodes, this.selectNodes);

public updateSelectStatus(treeData, selectKeys) {
for (const item of treeData) {
  item.isSelected = (_.indexOf(selectKeys, item.key) !== -1) ? true : false;

  if (item.children.length) {
    this.updateSelectStatus(item.children, selectKeys);


what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?
