Element nested routing Jump rotor routing?

2-1["dataCalculation", "one"]http://localhost:8080/-sharp/one 

menu navigation

<el-menu :default-active="$router.path" class="el-menu-demo" mode="horizontal" router>
        <el-menu-item index="/" icon="el-icon-search">1</el-menu-item>
        <el-submenu index="dataCalculation">
            <template slot="title">2</template>
            <el-menu-item index="one">2-1</el-menu-item>


 routes: [
      path: "/",
      name: "HelloWorld",
      component: HelloWorld
      path: "/dataCalculation",
      component: DataCalculation,
      children: [
        { path: "/one", component: DataCalculationOne}

the child route displays the parent component,. If there is < router-view/ > in the parent component, display it as the child component.
otherwise there is no difference between writing the three routes as level and writing as parent and son
