Vue single page application how to add individual pages?

originally the project requirement is a single page, so we have made a common framework, including the sidebar and the top navigation.
later said that login registration should be integrated.
so I"d like to ask how to add a new page under the same domain name.

my current project structure is that the sidebar and the top navigation common part are written in app.vue
and then in app.vue use < router-view/ > with vue-router "s @ click=router.push ()
to switch pages that are partially refreshed.

now you need to add the login registration, which is a separate page that does not need a public part.
I don"t know what to do.

login registration can be .html or .vue, ask for help.

use nested routing

  routes: [
      path: '/index',
      name: 'index',
      component: Index,
              name: 'page1',
              component: Page1,
              name: 'page2',
              component: Page2,
        path: '/login',
        name: 'login',
        component: Login,
  <div id="app">
    <router-view />
  <div id="index">
    <navigator />
    <sidebar />
    <router-view />

routing can be solved perfectly.
app.vue is the top exit of the program (router-view): 1.login 2.home (main page)
the main page contains: 2.1sidebar 2.2 top navigation 2.3 right rendering area exit (router-view).
right render area exit: 2.3.x Page to be displayed

/ / basic routing
import Home from 'main page path'
import Login from 'login page path'

/ / Lazy load routing
const Welcome = resolve = > require (['Show page path'], resolve)

routes: [

    redirect: '/welcome',
    children: [
        { path: '/welcome', component: Welcome, name: ''}


<navigator v-if="$route.path!=='login'"/>
<sidebar v-if="$route.path!=='login'"/>

try this

for single-page applications (using vue-router), you should still follow the configuration, do not use the html suffix, or use the .vue single file component
