Can js,ajax transfer hexadecimal data to the server?

< H2 > the data transferred by the following writing is a binary string. < / H2 >
    processData:false, //  data
    contentType:false,  // 

is there any way to transfer hexadecimal strings to the server?

Note: do not convert each character to an acsll code value and then convert the code value to hexadecimal.

ask for advice!


use case is to block the automatic conversion of jq. For example, jq automatically converts objects into json strings, or there is a common scenario where users upload files (binary data).
but only in terms of computer storage, there is only binary; as for octal hexadecimal, it is convenient for human to view. As long as the storage type is still string , just package the invention text in json directly, and wait for the back-end to convert it to the corresponding memory format.

in your case, binary data is generally safely transferred to the server. It is recommended that base64
