[Vue warn]: < transition-group > children must be keyed: < ElTag >

using the front end built by vue+element-ui, a very strange thing occurs when using the selection box component that is retrieved remotely:

<el-form-item label="">
            v-for="(item,key) in relatedDialogOpts"
remoteMethod(query) {
    let param;
    query === "" ? param = {} : param = {search: query};

    this.$axios.get(this.ip +"/getchat",{
        params: param
    }).then(res => {
        let data = res.data.data.data;
        this.loading = true;
        setTimeout(_ => {
            this.loading = false;
            this.relatedDialogOpts = data.map(item => {
                return {
                    value: item.next_id,
                    label: item.inword
            console.log(this.relatedDialogOpts); //[{label:"",value:null},{label:"",value:null}]
        }, 200);

all the above are written according to the examples in the ele.me element-ui document, the data format is the same, and the key value is also available, but this error has been reported all the time:



because there is a problem with the key value, checking one will directly select all of them, so I would like to ask if anyone can see what the problem is?

you need to add a value-key attribute to el-select. This value is a field in the value you bind, and the value should not be an object

is the key name of the unique identification of value.
is required when the bound value is an object type.

your key values are all null, for another key value field

ha, I met it, too, but I found the answer. One of the
is actually right. Item does not support objects, but what he can support, the key lies in a configuration "value-key"


configure value-key, in el-select. Besides, I don't use key,key. I don't have a configuration, and I don't understand what it is for.

then where does the value of el-option configure the bit item, so that the model of el-select is a collection of objects
