The stacking diagram with E charts (after changing the horizontal axis data type to time) cannot be stacked?

I don"t know much about E charts, for the first time. So there are some questions, I hope you can answer them.
I used the case (stack diagram) given on the official website of E charts:
, but I modified one item. I changed the type parameter in xAxis to time , as follows:

 xAxis : [
        type : "time",
             boundaryGap : false

series the data part of the parameter is also modified to the following:

data: [["2012-03-01", 132],["2012-03-02",135],["2012-03-03",145],["2012-03-04",134],["2012-03-05",675]]

the data of the corresponding several other curves has also been changed to a similar form.
however, after changing to this way, the lines can also be displayed, but there is no stack? What is the reason for this?
would like to get an answer, thank you in advance!
