How to use php to make a long reading table?

I found this table, but I use the php backend
I don"t know how to input it to the table js
can you write a simple template so that I can integrate it

I will check if there is a problem

have you found these

but there is a file called data.tsv that I don"t understand. Can"t it be replaced by php?


$chartData = $pdo->query(
      "SELECT `add_time` FROM `view` "

    $data = array();
    $key = 0;
    foreach ($chartData as $item){
      $data[$key] = array(
        "1" => date("Y-m-d",$item["add_time"])

    echo json_encode($data);

I can print


category looks like this: every day has


use echart or other js to do it. The backend only needs to query the data and return it to the front end, and the direct generation efficiency of the backend is very low

Echart to learn about

PHP returns data in json format. The front-end chart assigns the returned json data to the input data of the chart by asynchronously requesting php,.
pay special attention to the cross-domain problem of asynchronous requests. In this example, it is assumed that the front-end html and the php url responsible for returning data in json format are under the same domain name.

PHP sample code , assuming that the corresponding url is chart/get-data.php

    var chart = c3.generate({
    bindto: '-sharpchart',
    data: {
      columns: []
      url: "http://your-php-serer/chart/get-data.php"
    }).done(function(data) {
        columns: data
