Callback problem after the element-ui file is uploaded successfully (the console reported an error)

    handleSuccess (response, file, fileList) {
      console.log(response, file, fileList)
      let fj = [], = fj{, url:response.url})

upload is defined in data. After I call the hook console after the file is uploaded successfully, it will report an error, saying that there is a problem with the this. I don"t know what the problem is. The requirement now is to put the name and address of the file in an array and pass it to the backend after the file is uploaded successfully. Can any god help modify the callback function after the file is uploaded successfully?

console error message:

index.js?bed3:167 ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=script&index=0!./src/page/int/intApply.vue
Module build failed: SyntaxError: Unexpected token (592:6)

  590 |       console.log(response, file, fileList)
  591 |       let fj = [],
> 592 | = fj
      |       ^
  593 |{, url:response.url})
  594 |       console.log(this.upload)
  595 |     },

post the error message?

line 519 ends with a,
