Quick question: how to control the number of reselection renderings after continuous modification of the data in the vue symbol

the title may not be clearly described. I would like to add the following:

  1. data continuous modification, which means that I declare a function, in vue component and then change two values in data at once in this function, which causes reselection rendering of vue component.
  2. but in the course of the experiment, I found that although I performed the modification action of data in turn in function, I vue component rerender twice.
  3. my question is, in vue, how do I modify data, twice in a row but vue component only rerender once? React can be controlled through setState this API, but I don"t know about vue. I would appreciate it if I asked my old friend for advice.

are you sure you are continuously modified? vue will accumulate the changes and deal with them in the next cycle, so continuous modifications will only trigger render. once. You'd better go to the code. There should be something wrong with it somewhere else.
