Check of date range selected by element-ui

the backend asked to make the selection of this date range a required entry in the form, but did not find the corresponding check in element-ui. I tried to fill in required and message, in rules, but when I did not select a time, the word "Please choose a time" did not appear on the page. Can anyone help me answer it? thank you


you can customize a test

    var validDate = (rule,value,callback) => {
        if(!value[0] || !value[1]){
            callback(new Error(""))
    return {
        rules: {
            daterange: [{
                validator: validDate,
                trigger: 'blur'

you can also do more complex verification, such as whether daterange is an array type, and validation of date intervals
Form component provides the function of form validation by passing in the agreed validation rules through the rules attribute and setting the prop property of Form-Item to the field name to be verified. Take a closer look at the document
