Click on the current element in the vue v-for loop to show and then click hide

<li v-for="(list,index) in getTableData(currentPage)" :key="index">
              <div class="popup-msg-div">
                <div class="msg-div-add">{{list.detail_address}}</div>
                <div class="msg-div-add">{{list.warn_desc}}</div>
                <div class="popup-msg-more" @click="msgShow(index)"></div>
              <div class="msg-box" v-show="activeIndex===index">
                <div class="msg-box-tit popup-msg-tit ">
                  <div class="popup-box-close" @click="msgClose(index)"><b></b></div>
                <div class="msg-div">
                <div class="msg-div" v-for="item in list.detailList">
 data() {
    return {
      activeIndex: -1 
    msgShow (index) {
      this.activeIndex = index;
    msgClose(index) {
      this.activeIndex = !index;

I now have two click event controls. I want to use msgShow as an event control.


try to download different parameters?

<div class="popup-msg-more" @click="msgShow(index)"></div>
msgShow (index) {
      this.activeIndex = this.activeIndex == index ? -1 : index;

another idea:

iterate through first, adding an isShowDetail: false to each item in the getTableData array
< div class= "popup-msg-more" @ click= "msgShow (list,index)" > for details < / div >

<div class="msg-box" v-show="list.isShowDetail">

    msgShow (list,index) {
        list.isShowDetail = !list.isShowDetail;

ensures that the details of each piece of data are displayed independently from the closed status.
so that the button can also display different text through the status of list.isShowDetail

    this.activeIndex = this.activeIndex === index ? !index : index;