How to get the maximum scale value of the echarts axis?

markLine: {

symbol : "none",
lineStyle: {
    normal: {
        type: "dashed",
data : [
    {yAxis :arrMaxNum(arrX)/2},
    { xAxis:arrMaxNum(arrY)/2 }

want to add a central axis, but this maximum coordinate value cannot be the largest in the array. So I"d like to ask how to get the maximum value of the scale?



if you just want to add the central axis, the method is as follows:

method 1: set the maximum and minimum value of the axis in the configuration item, and then draw the central axis.
method 2: set the splitLine of the axis to an even number in the configuration item, and then draw it through splitLine.interval or splitLine.lineStyle.color (raba transparent color).
method 3: first setOption, then obtain the extreme value of the axis through echartsInstance.getModel (). GetComponent ('yAxis') .axis.extent, and then re-fill in the data in markLine and setOption again.
