How to attach Promise? to an image upload plug-in that needs to be initialized

function loadUploadFn() {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
        var len = 0;
        /**  */
        var uploadListIns = $upload.render({
            elem: "-sharpuploadBtn",
            url: "../accountManager/uploadWechatCode",
            multiple: true,
            number: 5,
            auto: false,
            bindAction: "-sharpuploadAction",
            allDone: function(obj) {
            error: function(index, upload) {

after, loadUploadFn () is initialized as above, loadUploadFn (). Then (function (res) {/ / can"t be executed here} below)

the picture upload plug-in selects the picture and clicks the -sharpuploadAction button to start uploading.
successfully gets the url and sends it to the backend together with a form, because submitting the form and clicking the -sharpuploadAction button operate at the same time
I want to add a promise to get the picture url after the picture is uploaded, and then request the form interface


according to your description, do not submit the form in the function that clicks-sharpuploadAction
