The problem with webpack's splitChunks.

has recently been trying to build a general multi-page and multi-entry application using webpack4.

both the common component and the third-party node _ modules are extracted through splitChunks. Look, the results are separated.

the html file for each entry page is specified through html-webpack-plugin.

the question arises, how to dynamically add chunk js files separated from splitChunks to html? Is there a ready-made plug-in, or can you only separate the file and add it manually?


the newly separated chunk block can specify the desired chunk block in the html template. The following figure shows my configuration

common/common.js common/vendor.js chunk

specify a specific block in each html template

I hope I can help you!

you can extract the entry configuration from the htmlwebpackplugins configuration by traversing.
you can refer to webpack-mutipage-tempalte
this is the entry configuration section

const glob = require('glob')
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')
const { resolve } = require('./utils')

const entries = glob.sync(resolve('src/page/**/*.js'))
const entriesOpt = {}
const pluginsOpt = []

const faviconPath = resolve('src/image/favicon/favicon.png')

entries.forEach(item => {
  const chunkName = item.match(/src\/page\/(.+)\.js/)[1]
  const templatePath = item.replace(/.js$/, '.html')
  let fileName = templatePath.match(/src\/(page\/.+\.html$)/)[1]

  entriesOpt[chunkName] = item

    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      favicon: faviconPath,
      filename: fileName,
      template: templatePath,
      chunks: ['vendor', 'manifest', 'common-styles', chunkName],
      minify: {
        removeComments: true,
        collapseWhitespace: true,
        removeAttributeQuotes: true

const config = {
  entry: entriesOpt,
  plugins: pluginsOpt

module.exports = config