How is the animation of canvas particles at the bottom of the iview home page realized? Is there such a framework? Or if you have any ideas to ask for guidance.

how is the canvas particle animation at the bottom of the iview home page implemented? Is there such a framework? Or do you have any ideas for guidance? URL


add upstairs.
after the DEMO source code of the official website is provided upstairs, the subject opens it to see why shit is different. iview the official website obviously blocks the mouse movement up and down, so you can only switch special effects around. And the default particle color is obviously too ugly. So how to modify it?
1. Block mouse up and down angles
camera.position.y + = (- mouseY-camera.position.y) * .05 in the render function; change to camera.position.y = 364;
2. Change the color of the particles.
new THREE.ParticleCanvasMaterial function
color: 0x097bdbb, change the color you want, and then change the background color, which is a good match for the login page.
3. Some people may ask, why are you so clear?
Ha asked exactly the same question the week before last. And study the compressed code compiled by iview.

add the upstairs answer


how to change this H5 code into a component of vue. Use through import or require.
