If fiddler grabs the package of nodejs's request

A request was made with node-fetch in an interface of nodejs. The browser cannot grab the request because it is an internal request. I wonder if fiddler can grab the packet for this request. The
code is shown below. The API is the callback function of Weibo authorized login. You want to capture the fetch package.

router.get("/weibo/callback", (req, res, next) => {
    const code = req.query.code
    const path = "https://api.weibo.com/oauth2/access_token"
    const params = new URLSearchParams();
    params.append("client_id", weibo.client_id);
    params.append("client_secret", weibo.client_secret);
    params.append("grant_type", "authorization_code");
    params.append("code", code);
    params.append("redirect_uri", `${HOST}/api/oauth/weibo/callback`);
    fetch(path, {
        method: "POST",
        body: params
    }).then(weibo_res => {

Yes, the principle of fiddler is a proxy server, and you can grab packets through his request.
you just need to let nodejs's request go this proxy.
