follow the code typed in the book, but report an error. Here is to change the date string into an object for fill_between operation. But failed all the time. Ask for advice. The
* file is in csv format, and only the data from the first three fields are manipulated here.
the code is as follows:
import csv
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import datetime
filename = "sitka_weather_07-2014.csv"
with open (filename) as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
header_row = next(reader)
dates,highs,lows = [],[],[]
for row in reader:
current_date =datetime.datetime.strptime(row[0],"%Y/%m/%d")
low = int(row[3])
< H1 > draw graphics < / H1 >
fig = plt.figure (dpi=124,figsize= (10Power6), frameon=1)
plt.plot (dates,highs,c="red",alpha=0.5)
plt.plot (dates,lows,c="blue",alpha=0.5)
plt.fill_between (dates,highs,lows,facecolor="blue",alpha=0.1)
plt.title ("Daily temperatures,2014",fontsize=24)
plt.xlabel ("", fontsize=16)
fig.autofmt_xdate ()
plt.ylabel ("Temperatures (F)", fontsize=16)
plt.tick_params (axis="both",which="major",labelsize=10) ()
the files used are as follows: