The problem that the tp3.2 frame CAPTCHA does not appear in other browsers

the verify verification code included in tp is displayed normally on the qq browser, but not in browsers such as chrome/firefox. The following figure and code

QQ browser is as follows



html partial code:

      <img id="verify_img"  alt="" title="" src="{:U("prize/verify")}" class="m">

php partial code

public function verify(){
    $config = [
        "fontSize" => 25, // 
        "length" => 4, // 
         // "imageW" => 200,
         // "imageH" => 70,
         "useNoise" => false,
         "useCurve" => false,
         "codeSet" => "123456789",
     $Verify = new Verify($config);

whether cookie has been disabled

has been solved, and it is found to be a stupid problem. I don't know that the controller that generates the CAPTCHA belongs to the controller that needs to log in. Just throw it to the public file. The QQ browser is because I have logged in and session exists, so I can return the picture
