Crawler problem, scrapy + selenium page turning problem

topic description

the thing is, I am using scrapy to crawl the first 30 pages of the Sina home site according to keywords. I can only simulate the browser to click the next page to crawl, and write the selenium-related operations into according to the official documents. the problem now is that middleware gets response and passes it to spider for parsing, but spider can only parse the first page, and the subsequent page cannot be parsed by spider

related codes

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document writes selenium-related operations into The problem now is that middleware gets the response and passes it to


spider resolution. The problem now is that spider can only parse the first page, and the subsequent page cannot be parsed by spider. Clicking on the next page url will not change. I now need to get the page number of each piece of content, but each time I can only parse the first page, the termination code is as follows:

class SeleniumMiddleware (object):

def process_request (self,request,spider):
if spider_name = = "sina":

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
next_page = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//a[contains(text(),"" )]")

return HtmlResponse (request.url, body=driver.page_source,request=requst)


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class Sina (scrapy.Spider):

def start_request (self):

keyword_list = ["a","b","c"]
max_page = 30
for k in keyword_list:
    for p in range(1,max_page+1):
        url = base_url.format(k)
        yield scrapy.Request(url=url, callback=self.parse)



has it been solved? now
