With regard to this swiper package, it is not possible to have a fixed size?

ides-per-view-auto.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> https://idangero.us/swiper/de.

I found this package, which can slide left and right
, but I find that when I try to change the second and third slide levels, the default is 80%. If I slide to the third one to the right, he will be cut off, as if I have to go according to his degree.
can"t I fix every slide to 80%?

.swiper-slide:nth-child(2n) {
      width: 60%;
    .swiper-slide:nth-child(3n) {
      width: 40%;

whether I clear this paragraph or change it to 80%, I can"t correctly show slide
slide to the third and change it like this:




you can refer to the relevant contents of swiper Chinese website .

there are width settings in the basic settings, but I think you might mean it would be better to set styles directly, but it doesn't work because your current selector priority is lower than that of swiper stylesheets, so you just stack in a few high-priority styles and pull up the priority of custom styles.
