Php algorithm-- catching water droplets

php algorithm-- catching water droplets

A novice PHP programmer, who has been on the job for half a year and is still hovering in endless additions, deletions, modifications and data optimization, has recently been brought into the algorithm pit by the front-end brother and has done a lot of algorithm problems.
this question comes from the collar buckle network, which is more interesting.
given a matrix of m x n, in which the values are all positive integers, representing the height of each cell in the two-dimensional height map, please calculate the maximum volume of Rain Water in the figure.


m an dna re integers less than 110. The height of each unit is greater than 0 and less than 20000.


the height map of 3x6 is given as follows:
[1 br > [1 br 4],
[3 br 2],
[3 br >]

[3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]

[3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]


[3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1]

returns 4.


after it rains, Rain Water will be stored in these squares. The total amount of rain water received is 4.

my idea is:
the volume that can receive water is the volume of each layer that is vacant, but some of the volume of the vacancy is notched. So the specific idea:

3. = -

I don"t know if there is a better idea.

  1. cut off useless tall poles, such as two 4s;
  2. final state is that all the middle points are the highest points, for example, the middle four are all 3;
  3. the final state can be subtracted from the initial state.

class Trapping

public function water(){
    $arr = [
    $shui = 0;
    $b = [];
    foreach($arr as $key=>$value){
        $b = array_merge($a,$b);
    $max = $b[count($b)-1];

        $eacharr = [];
        foreach($arr as $key =>$row){
            foreach($row as $key1=>$row1){
                    $row1 =0;
                    $row1 = $row1-$i;
                $eacharr[$key][$key1] = $row1;
        $shui += $this->each($eacharr);
    return $shui;
 * @param  [array] $arr []
 * @return [int]      []
public function each($arr){
    $shui = 0;
    foreach ($arr as $i => $row) {
        foreach($row as $j =>$row1){
            //$w 0
            $w = $arr[$i][$j];
                if( $i==0||$j == 0||$i == count($arr)-1||$j == count($row)-1){
                    $arr[$i][$j] = 'kou';
                    $arr =  $this->kou($arr,$i,$j);
    foreach ($arr as $i => $row) {
        foreach($row as $j =>$row1){
            $w = $arr[$i][$j];
    return $shui;
 * @param  [array]  $arr []
 * @param  integer $i   []
 * @param  integer $j   []
 * @return [array]  $arr  []
public function kou($arr,$i,$j){
            $arr[$i+1][$j] = 'kou';
            $arr = $this->kou($arr,$i+1,$j);
            $arr[$i-1][$j] = 'kou';
            $arr =  $this->kou($arr,$i-1,$j);
            $arr[$i][$j+1] = 'kou';
            $arr = $this->kou($arr,$i,$j+1);
            $arr[$i][$j-1] = 'kou';
            $arr = $this->kou($arr,$i,$j-1);
            return $arr;   
        return $arr;           

