can Anchor anchor points and anchor link href of antd be added to custom tags? you don"t want to use your own style
import { Anchor } from "antd";
const { Link } = Anchor;
<Link href="-sharpcomponents-anchor-demo-basic" title="Basic demo" />
<Link href="-sharpcomponents-anchor-demo-fixed" title="Fixed demo" />
<Link href="-sharpAPI" title="API">
<Link href="-sharpAnchor-Props" title="Anchor Props" />
<Link href="-sharpLink-Props" title="Link Props" />
if you write it yourself, you won"t be able to skip the id, at the bottom
onClickMenu = ({ item, key, keyPath }) => {
if (key) {
let anchorElement = document.getElementById(key);
if(anchorElement) { anchorElement.scrollIntoView(); }