how to send multidimensional arrays to post requests in go.
form-data format
is like
in php.form := make(map[string][]string)
form["name"] = []string{"lisa","danny"}
how to send multidimensional arrays to post requests in go.
form-data format
is like
in php.form := make(map[string][]string)
form["name"] = []string{"lisa","danny"}
Yes, you can do that.
but a Values type has been defined in the net/url library, which is actually map [string] [] string
written by you. You can directly assign a [] string
or you can traverse your [] string and use Values's Add method
v := make(url.Values)
values := []string{"one", "two"}
v["test"] = values
for _, value := range values {
v.Add("test", value)
suggest map [string] interface {}