A reward of 20-The `source_ files` pattern did not match any file.

create a public library, but keep reporting errors. Address:


The problem with

is that your podspec file references a submission that you don't have a source_files.
you can modify the reference to the most recent submission by adjusting the source of the podspec file.

there are several reasons for you to check
first to make sure that the path of the file involved in the network is incorrect. Cannot find file error
git is not consistent with local tag
not set tag

check whether it is a path problem first confirm and then no problem take a look at this article

try many times through stackView, and get the solution steps:
pod spec create BN_Utils

/ / drag the code to modify the spec, and submit it to git

pod lib lint-- allow-warnings

pod trunk register shang1219178163@gmail.com 'shang1219178163'-- description= "ProductTemplet CocoaPods lib."

git tag-a 1.0.0-m '1.0'
git push origin-- tags

pod spec lint

pod trunk push BN_Utils.podspec-- allow-warnings
