How does the get method pass in the optional parameters?

    @RequestMapping(value = "/done/{pageNum}/{pageSize}")
    public ResponseData done(@PathVariable int pageNum, @PathVariable int pageSize, @RequestParam String busSerial,
            @RequestParam String proposer) {
        ResponseData res = new ResponseData();
        try {
            res.setData(leaderService.doneList(pageNum, pageSize, busSerial, proposer));
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return res;


as above, pageNum and pageSize are required parameters. BusSerial and proposer are optional query parameters.
enter http://localhost:8088/leader/done/1/5 to get all the results
enter http://localhost:8088/leader/done/1/5?busSerial=&proposer= to get all the results
enter http://localhost:8088/leader/done/1 The result of / 5?busSerial=1&proposer=1 is that busSerial is 1in all the results. The result when proposer is 2.
but my above code can not be realized, have you ever written a big boss to teach it? How to set that kind of optional parameter?
(I can do this by passing a structure in the POST method, but this is a pure query interface and I don"t want to use POST)


In the

RequestParam annotation, required defaults to true, so it must be passed by default.
but you can set required to false

such as @ RequestParam (required = false) String busSerial

int-> Intgert

normal restful should be url: / xxx/ {id}? pageNum=x&pageSize=y,
the interface parameter should be changed to @ RequestParam (value= "pageNum", required = false) String pageNum
