This.$parent.attribute is a undefined problem in vue

this.$parent.attribute is a undefined problem in vue

  <button @click="changeChild">changeChild</button>
  <child-component ref="child"></child-component>

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      say: "I"m parent."
  methods: {
    changeChild () {
      this.$refs.child.say = new Date().getTime()
  components: {
    "child-component": {
      data () { return { say: "I"m child." } },
      template: "<div><h1>{{say}}</h1><button @click="changeParent">changeParent</button></div>",
      methods: {
        changeParent () {

I call this.$parent.say in the subcomponent always undefined, I print out that there is no say attribute in $parent, which is very strange.
all the usages I see on the Internet are used in this way. Why is there nothing wrong with other people"s? Is there something I lack? Or is there something wrong with my usage?
solve, thank you!

Thank you! I found that this.$parent is not a conscious parent,. I just used two $parent.


is there an error in your console?
you use the full package of vue when you write that.
it's no problem for me to write this way. You can try it.
